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RIE and Montessori-based learning

Infant Program

"Good infant care is neither baby-sitting nor preschool. It is a special kind of care that resembles no other." PITC

"Infancy is a vulnerable stage of development; therefore it’s not enough that babies receive good care, the care must be excellent."

Magda Gerber, developer of the RIE program

Leaving a baby in childcare is very difficult for families. Infants are too young to talk, they cannot tell families about their day. Baby MacBean Infant Care Homes offer safe, secure and nurturing infant care. Our staff understand babies; we know how to read your baby's emotional cries, facial expressions and body language. Our infant care homes provide an enriched environment, where babies are encouraged to explore, touch, feel, and express themselves, under the guidance of warm, encouraging staff members.


- Develop from "ooo" and "gah" sounds to saying eight or more words


- Smile at you when you speak and get excited when you enter the room


- Beginning to combine two or more words together like "See dog."


- Indicating they want something by pointing to it

Problem Solving

- Follow a toy with their eyes when moved back and forth and up and down about 10 in away


- Bring a toy to their mouth


- Turn a bottle over to dump out small items like Cheerios


- Drop small toys one after another into a container


- Begin to scribble back and forth

Gross Motor

- Able to hold head up while on tummy


- Grow from crawling to walking and seldom falling


- Try to kick a large ball by walking into it


- Start walking downstairs when holding your hand, railing or wall


- Stars by playing with fingers


- Interact with self in mirror


- Play with doll or stuffed animal by hugging it


- Come to you when help is needed opening lids or winding up toys


- Drink from a cup, putting it down again without little spilling

Fine Motor

- Reaching for toys, grabbing at clothes


- Begin to stack blocks or other small toys


- Turn pages of a book


- Able to throw a ball with a forward arm motion


- Get a spoon into their mouth right side up so that the food usually doesn't spill

Resources for Infant Educarers

Click here to learn more about the RIE program and philosophy we follow...


A baby's mind has an amazing capacity for learning language. 'Sportscasting' is the term infant specialist Magda Gerber coined to describe the nonjudgmental, “just the facts” verbalization of events she advised parents to use to support infants and toddlers as they struggle to develop new skills. As care providers we sportscast what the child is doing. This helps the child develop their language as they see items and hear the words in context. It also helps to validate their experiences. If they are struggling to stack blocks that keep tumbling, letting them know you are aware of their struggle can give them the support to continue their efforts. This may sound like:


"I see you are trying to roll over. You are turning your body and stretching your arms. You did it! You rolled over."


"You are climbing up the ladder of the slide. I will stand next to you to help keep you safe. Oh, now you've changed your mind and are climbing back down. I am here and won't let you fall."


"It's time to change your diaper. I am going to pick you up now. We're walking to the changing table. I'm going to lay you down. Down, down, down. I will unsnap your onesie. One, two, three."


Including your non-verbal child in this way also shows them respect as you invite them into the conversation.

© 2018 Baby MacBean

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